
Everything tagged with “Ryan Reynolds”

  1. The Voices

    There's something about Ryan Reynolds that's always rubbed me up the wrong way. Maybe it's his high profile that's so out of proportion to his middling career, maybe it's his weak smile and perpetually blank face, all unfinished smoothness like some 2001-era CGI, or maybe it's just that I'm jealous that Scarlett Johansson chose him over me back in 2008. Whatever it is, he bugs me, even more so than other actors of his ilk — the Bradley Coopers and Sam Worthingtons, these lumpen sausage-meat actors continually foisted upon us as The Next Big Thing because Hollywood can't imagine a world in which a thirtysomething white man with beady eyes set into a face like raw cookie dough can't lead a movie to a huge profit. All that said, Ryan Reynolds playing an unhinged serial killer is something I can apparently get on board with.