
Everything tagged with “Judi Dench”

  1. Skyfall, a rebooted reboot

    I'm not a special fan of the James Bond films, which is to say that I treat them as I would any other film; each on their own merits. I like some films that have happened to be Bond films, and I've disliked others. I'm neutral on Bond. I'm Swiss. The Daniel Craig run, though; Christ, what a dreary, joyless, tiring run this has been.

  2. Review of David Twohy’s The Chronicles of Riddick

    The Australian-produced, low-profile Pitch Black that launched Vin Diesel's career did not need a sequel. It was a great film — a simple idea (a hostile world, plunged into darkness), a straightforward plot (get some supplies, get off the planet before the lights go out), and a clever hook (the only one who can see in the dark is the murdering psychopath they've brought with them) — but it was also a film that had very definitely finished. Diesel's Riddick developed a mini-conscience and saved some people instead of leaving them to die. He'd grown as a person, you see?