
Short reviews

  1. The Lost City of Z

    A leaden Charlie Hunnam means we never see the fevered obsession a film like this needs. Everyone else did ok though.

  2. Doctor Mordrid

    A decent off-brand Dr Strange adaptation. Jeffrey Combs is always watchable; genre regular Brian Thompson gives good villain.

  3. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

    A perfectly funny and touching road movie that I never wanted to end.

  4. Kong: Skull Island

    Everything I wanted from a Kong film: thrilling set-pieces, weird characters, lurid cinematography and a great score.

  5. Ender’s Game

    Gruellingly dull, like an episode of The Outer Limits stretched out to two hours. Never really earns its bleak ending.

  6. Body Double

    ‘80s Brian De Palma thriller takes a long time to get going but once it does it’s enjoyably ludicrous.

  7. Futureworld

    A largely unnecessary sequel only loosely related to Westworld, but it’s still perfectly watchable in that 70s bleak sci-fi way.

  8. The Brady Bunch Movie

    As watchable now for 90s nostalgia as 70s nostalgia. Cute, stupid fun, and Gary Cole and Shelley Long are hilarious.

  9. Diva

    French ‘80s thriller that makes a good companion piece to Luc Besson’s more hectic Subway. Gently surreal, punctuated with excitement.

  10. Saboteur

    One of Hitchcock’s earlier films feels like a prototype for much of his later work. It’s excellent, but can feel a little familiar.

  11. The Quiet American

    A solidly-respectable Graham Greene adaptation with sterling work from both Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser.

  12. The Lego Batman Movie

    A fun first hour but the film massively outstays its welcome. Left me feeling exhausted and a little bored by the end.

  13. Logan Noir

    Black & white release is spectacular, well-worth seeking it. The film itself is excellent.

  14. Hidden Figures

    A solidly feel-good piece but feels a little movie-of-the-week at times. An important story that should be seen regardless.

  15. Jackie

    Oppressive, claustrophobic and haunting. Natalie Portman had me transfixed and the score by Mica Levi is just incredible.

  16. The Fall

    A film of amazing location photography, but the heart is in the touching performances from Lee Pace and his 10 year old co-star.

  17. La Piscine

    A strong entry in my favourite genre of films about rich, beautiful people whose inherent unhappiness becomes their undoing.

  18. Near Dark

    Fantastically-grotty vampire flick, all dust and blood. Features one of the most Bill Paxtoniest performances from Bill Paxton.

  19. Frauds

    A dark and surreal Australian comedy from that weird, brief period when Phil Collins was a film star. Surprisingly good!

  20. The Andromeda Strain

    If you like watching people slowly go through multiple levels of decontamination procedures, this is the film for you.

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